I consider myself to be a fan of several sports teams. These teams include Nebraska Huskers, Creighton Bluejays, Minnesota Twins, Minnesota Wild, Kansas City Chiefs, and the Omaha Lancers. Each of these teams has a mascot, one of the teams has two mascots. The ranking from worst to first:
6. Billy Bluejay

I do not have a big problem with Billy, it is just that he is missing something. Billy is a lot like the Creighton basketball program. Before he got big and moved into a new shiny cage in the Qwest Center Omaha he was great. Back when Creighton would make NCAA tournament games, and win a few of them, Billy was very entertaining. Back when Creighton played in a half full Civic Auditorium Billy had the luxury of doing whatever he wanted to do whenever he wanted to do it. Billy's best moments were when he would sled down the Civic's deserted upper bowl stairs. Now Billy is lame and just walks around and pats kids on the head. Weak.
5. Herbie Husker / Lil Red
Do not get me wrong, Lil Red is hilarious. He has won several awards such as the 1999 National Championship for Mascot of the Year and in 2007 he was introduced into the Mascot Hall of Fame (something I did not know about, but will certainly blog about in the future). My problem with this duo is Herbie. In the past there have been some great Herbie Huskers. That is the problem, he keeps changing. Go back to the roided up Herbie with the blond mullet and the jersey on. It is my belief that mascots should wear jerseys for the team they represent. Herbie wears a lame polo, hence why they are so low on my list.
4. Nordy (Minnesota Wild)

I do not know much about Nordy. From everything I have read he is a great mascot. His biography speaks for itself: "Nordy. Nordy hails from way up yonder and is a lifelong resident of The State of Hockey. Born in Eveleth, Minnesota, he was raised with a stick and a pair of blades and cut his teeth on the ponds and lakes throughout the Iron Range." He also has a mullet and I have seen pictures on the internet of him brawling with various mascots on the ice. I can get behind a mascot like Nordy.
3. KC Wolf (Kansas City Chiefs)

2. TC Bear

TC is the mascot for the Minnesota Twins. Mascots in baseball are extremely important. Baseball is a slow sport and during games there are numerous moments where there is no action on the field. During these times it is vital that the fans stay interested in the games. I have not been to a Twins game in a few years, but what I do remember is laughing at TC the entire time. The highlight for TC is before the game and after a Twins win, when TC rides out onto the field on a four wheeler holding up a Twins flag. He usually is flying around on the field with no regard for his safety or the safety of anyone else. I doubt he will be allowed to do this at Target Field on the grass, but if I know TC, and I do know TC, he will find away to scare the hell out of players, fans, and umpires alike.
1. Lancers Chicken

Thanks for reading my first blog entry. From here, I do not know where this blog will go. I do have a few plans that I will announce later. If you have any ideas or anything you would like me to blog about please leave a comment or tweet me about it!
Thank you for sharing your extensive knowledge about regional mascots! I didn't even know that KC Wolf existed, and I'm so thankful that you gave the Lancers chicken the acknowledgment he deserves. I have one concern: why judge Herbie and Lil Red as a duo? I think it's unfair that Herbie is dragging the enigmatic Lil Red down with him. You should rank them individually. Personally I'd leave Herbie where he is, but Lil Red would be above Nordy (although thats tough because Nordy does have a mullet). No matter the Husker score, when Lil Red stands on his head and jumps around my heart soars. Nonetheless great first post. I look forward to future entries!
ReplyDeleteThis chicken sounds quite entertaining....almost entertaining enough to want to attend a Lancers game. The last time I saw the Lancers play was about 17 years ago and I puked up sour licorice all over the Aksarben parking lot after the game. Those were the good old days. Nice post PJ.
ReplyDeleteGreat insight. Two comments...I am a little disappointed to not find Casey the Omaha Royals mascot in your list. Also, there is a difference between no and know. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for post #2 to see what direction you go!
A major rule of journalism: full disclosure. Is your opinion affected by your biases?
ReplyDeleteThe readers need to know that you were once flipped off by Billy Bluejay so that we can accurately decide whether your ranking him last is an honest opinion or weighted by bias. Just a tip.
I appreciate all the feedback. Sorry about the poor writing. This was rushed and I am a pretty brutal writer. Hopefully this thing explodes and I can hire an editor. Until that day happens I guess my loyal readers will have to deal with the mistakes. It is a blog about mascots, if I were to guess mascots are poor writers as well.
ReplyDeleteAd: sorry about that. I agree I probably should have separated Herbie and Lil Red. A favorite Lil Red moment of mine is when he removed his head and jumped over it on a moped! Classic!
Kelly: We are going to the Lancers game on Friday.
Andy: Casey is nothing special. Spike is alright. Herman is a top ten minor league mascot in my opinion. Dude gives it his all even if it is 100+ degrees outside and there are 60 fans at the game.
Danny: None of these mascots has done anything to influence my writing on them. Having said that, everything I say is biased by something. This blog will be filled with biases in the future.
Holy cow!!! Herman the Nut! I forgot all about my pal Herman!!
Can we PLEASE get new blogs!?